Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Barbara


Barbara was sure she'd have no value if she had to quit working.


So he told me then that I couldn’t work and so I knew I needed a cardiologist and that’s when I saw the cardiologist after one of my visits to the hospital and he said, ‘It’s not quite as bad as what they said it was in the hospital.’ You know it’s not right-sided; it’s not left-sided. It’s just a malaise of the heart, if you will. It’s just not pumping as much as it should or it’s not working as hard as it should, but definitely I would have to quit working. That was the sorriest day of my life. I cried like a baby and I was pretty sure that I would have no value after that. I was only 60 years old and I had planned on working another ten years. I mean there is no reason why you couldn’t, and I had planned on working another ten years and I kind of feel like I was robbed of that you know?

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